Birch Branches Package
A great option for second time parents or those experienced with newborns.
1 hour complimentary consultation
Unlimited phone/text support 24/7 from hire
1-3 hour prenatal meeting to discuss your birth preferences and options
Monthly video chat or phone call to check in from time of hire
Birth Plan Creation
Unlimited in person labor support from time called until 1 hour after birth
Partner and family support
Parenting Check-in
1 hour of postpartum check in and birth processing session
3 weeks of call/text support postpartum
Connection to Info & Experts resource list
Access to lending library
Total Investment
Elder Roots Package
A great option for first time parents or those that want more support and resources.
1 hour complimentary consultation
Unlimited phone/text support 24/7 from hire
2 - 3 hour prenatal meeting to discuss your birth preferences, mini childbirth ed. class and postpartum planning
Monthly video chat or phone call to check in from time of hire
Birth Plan Creation
Unlimited in person labor support from time called until 2 hours after birth
Partner and family support
Parenting Check-in
2 - 2 hour of postpartum check in and birth processing session
6 weeks of call/text support postpartum
Connection to Info & Experts resource list
Access to lending library
Total Investment